
Major in New Media Interactive Development

Minor in Geographic Information System

Programming Languages

TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Swift, C#, C++, C


ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Rhino3D, Visual Studio Code, Xcode, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

I am a fifth-year student of Rochester Institute of Technology pursuing my Bachelor of Science in New Media Interactive Development with an emphasis on Geographic Information System (GIS). With a background as a developer, UI/UX designer, graphic designer, and GIS analyst. I bring a unique digital engineering perspective and creative problem-solving to create products and experiences that people find optimal and effective. I am competent in all aspects of the digital design process.

I am seeking a full-time or internship in the summer of 2022 as a developer or GIS analyst.

You always can reach me out through my email address, or my phone number, (512) 825-8217


Web Developer at Center on Access Technology | May 2020 – May 2021

  • Planned, developed, and maintained web-based applications including the new TigerChat app, a message software with Automatic Speech Recognition project to create communication accessibility for Deaf and Hard of Hearing RIT students.
  • Executed various stress tests on web-based applications with a scriptable test,
  • Researched and developed content for e-learning courses and training simulation for captionists to improve their skills

Computer Programmer at Public Utility Commission of Texas | May 2019 – August 2019

  • Analyzed and researched existing intranet site for its strengths and potential improvements.
  • Designed and built a new Intranet site for 200+ employees within the state agency with improved user-friendly, responsiveness and functionality
  • Created new design secondary logos for marketing and collateral materials, which received approval from the PUC Board members.
  • Revamped an old website with an infographic-based page for the customers to learn more about their electronic usage.

Team Marketing Strategist for Thinking Hands team | Dec 2018 – May 2019

  • Created an online educational platform to provide academic support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.
  • Developed a website prototype.
  • Gathered data via survey process with potential customers to develop a presentation plan for the team.
  • Won 2nd Place in Rochester Institute of Technology's the Next Big Idea competetion.

Freelance Graphic Designer | Jan 2015 – Present Day

  • Designed and developed flyers for Rochester Institute of Technology media club organization, Tiger Media.
  • Designed logo for other club organization upon on requests.
  • Designed newsletter layouts for associations, logos for clients and businesses, banners for special events based on customers’ criteria and requests.